About Realsafe Technologies

Realsafe Technologies is a public safety technology company that develops, maintains, and licences its award-winning smartphone-based crash detection and emergency alerting software.

Our life-saving technology protects millions of miles of journeys by customers travelling within the automotive and motorcycle markets.

The company works with major brands around the world helping protect those who crash, and may require urgent emergency assistance.

Why Crash Detection?

Back in 2006, RST’s management team worked with paramedics and air ambulance pilots to create ‘Crash Scene Management,’ a section of the award-winning motorcycle DVD ‘Great Roads Great Rides’ created on behalf of the then Highways Agency.

During filming, it was evident from their feedback that there was a clear need for a solution that could a) identify the precise location of an injured rider, and b) deliver this information quickly and efficiently to the nearest ambulance control room.

North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (NEAS)

By 2011 and with a prototype crash detection app in place, John Rowland, NEAS’s Compliance & Resilience Manager became an instrumental part of the app development and emergency alerting processes. Karen Smith, BT’s Emergency Authority & Government Relationship Manager helped oversee technical and integration requirements for connecting with the 999 interface.

In 2013 the REALRIDER® app was launched to motorcyclists across the UK. NEAS were responsible for handling all emergency alerts from the the app as part a two year pilot with BT. Data generated by the pilot contributed to development of ‘auto-pause,’ a piece of technology to help minimise false triggering.

British APCO

In 2016, REALRIDER® achieved government certification becoming the first & only app permitted to automatically send motorcycle crash data to the Emergency Services via the BT managed 999 service.

RST worked tirelessly with the team at British APCO (Association of Public Safety Communications Officials), the North East Ambulance Service and BT to ensure the process was simple and seamless, and more importantly did not pose a hindrance to any party involved.

Today, RST’s automatic crash detection and emergency alerting service protects vulnerable road users around the globe. The company’s technology is used by brands in the automotive and motorcycle sectors technology with expansion via new partners on the horizon.

“By leveraging the best of what technology can offer the public safety community and the public, Realsafe Technologies is committed to delivering solutions that are ‘fit for purpose’ and provide a ‘real-world’ safety benefit. All too often, solutions are developed in silos with little to no integration into the more holistic world that is public safety.

Even more concerning are solutions that only add 'noise' into the public safety and emergency ecosystem, with little actionable intelligence or information. Realsafe Technologies has extended a great deal of effort in developing solutions that are not just additional data - but which create valuable and actionable intelligence of genuine benefit to the emergency services.”

Client Testimonials

“Reduction of false alerts is one of the key focus points of RST’s technology. I can confirm that for an aftermarket / retrofit product this is, and in future, will be one of the key USPs, especially in the context of potential legislation, and a common standard for aftermarket emergency solutions.

The peace of mind to PSAPs in relation to aftermarket solutions will obviously grow with the availability of solutions such as RST’s with a minimal false alert rate.”
Marcel Reissmann, Global Competence Center Mobility Services, BOSCH, Germany.
“It's important that we try to find new methods for people to communicate with the Emergency Services.”

“If new technologies can help us to reach someone in need faster, that can only be a good thing. In order for the public to have confidence in using an app like RST’s REALRIDER®, it's important that organisations such as ours, help support the development journey, because without it, innovation like this simply wouldn’t be possible.”
John Rowland, North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
"In most cases, satellite navigation will provide you with an accuracy of a few metres. If you’re out in the country with no obstacles to signals then you can quite easily get that down to a metre accuracy, which is obviously important for an application like REALRIDER®.

So often the innovation is in the business and how to apply the technology more than the technology itself, and that’s where applications like REALRIDER® from Realsafe Technologies are so exciting."
Stuart Martin, CEO Satellite Applications Catapult

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